Montana Legislature
67th Regular Session
Bill Type - Number: SB 283
Bill Actions - Current Bill Progress: Became Law
Short Title: Generally revise laws regarding firearms on school grounds
"Section 1. Section 20-5-202, MCA, is amended to read: "20-5-202. Suspension and expulsion...
(4) Nothing in this section prevents a school district from:
(a) offering instructional activities related to firearms or allowing a student to bring a firearm to be brought to school for instructional activities sanctioned by the district if:
(i) the district has appropriate safeguards in place to ensure student safety; and
(ii) the firearm is secured in a locked container approved by the school district when the firearm is at school and is not in use for the instructional activity; or
(b) providing educational services in an alternative setting to a student who has been expelled from the student's regular school setting.
(9) The provisions of this section do not require expulsion of a student who has brought a firearm to school or possesses a firearm at school as long as the firearm is secured in a locked container approved by the school district or in a locked motor vehicle the entire time the firearm is at school, except while the firearm is in use for a school-sanctioned instructional activity.
(10) For the purposes of this section, the following definitions apply:
(a) "Firearm" has the same meaning as provided in 18 U.S.C. 921.
(i) "School" means a building, grounds, or property of a public elementary or secondary school.
(ii) The term does not include a student's home, a locked vehicle, a parking lot, or a commercial business when the student is participating in an online, remote, or distance-learning setting." ~
“I grew up like a neglected weed, – ignorant of liberty, having no experience of it. Then I was not happy or contented.” ~ Harriet Tubman to Benjamin Drew, St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada, 1855,
(1) Mock-up of $20 bill with Harriet Tubman, Underground Railroad "conductor," abolitionist, Union spy, and militia leader. Respectfully referred to as both "General" and "Moses".
Creator of image unknown ~
"The selection of Harriet Tubman, a slave-born African American abolitionist and gun owner who worked in the Underground Railroad before the Civil War is a good choice for the $20 bill because it underscores the importance of the right to keep and bear arms in American history, the Second Amendment Foundation said today." ~
(2) "Harriet Tubman’s personal pistol and her 3 foot long ivory-handled sword are on temporary loan to the Florida A&M Black Archive Research Center as part of an exhibit called “The Struggle Continues”. The Tallahassee family of Alex Brickler owns the pieces and considers them a family heirloom since he’s a 5th generation decedent of Tubman." ~ Steven Rodriguez / WFSU-FM,
Grand Jury, Day 2: Historical Background
Alex Thomson, former officer of Britain’s Signal Intelligence Agency, GCHQ, the partner agency to NSA has just completed his statement.
Matthew Ehret, Senior Fellow of American University in Moscow, Editor-in-chief of Canadian Patriot dot org and BRI Expert of Tactical Talk dot net then makes his own short statement.
Pay attention to what Ehret says about traps patriots/freedom lovers may easily fall into, traps laid via propaganda.
No lockdowns.
Facemasks not required.
Vaccines not required.
2 metre space between people suggested.
Tragic deaths and patients ill with COVID-19 are in low numbers.
Here is the updated information from the Danish government:
When did Denmark back down from draconian law enforcement?
Why exactly did the Danes reject the proposed law?
Ended a debate between Senators Daniel Webster of Massachusetts and Robert Hayne of South Carolina.
Daniel Webster won the day, but with hindsight, modern citizens may side with Hayne.
Hayne re-enforced the idea of a confederation while Webster defended the idea of a federation.
In a confederacy the people may overcome tyrants quicker than in a federation, for in THAT condition, do the words of the Unites States constitution have TEETH. #AntiFederalistPaper9 "We [the Aristocratic party of the United States,] do not much like that sturdy privilege of the people -- the right to demand the writ of habeas corpus. We have therefore reserved the power of refusing it in cases of rebellion, and you know we are the judges of what is rebellion...."
Robert Y. Hayne
Unknown author, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
Daniel Webster
Unknown photographer, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons