"The Republic of Latvia was proclaimed on November 18, 1918, however the Latvian calendar marks the Independence Restoration Day as well. Latvians lost the state they found to totalitarian aggressors of the period – Soviet Union and Nazi Germany – during World War II.
The long years of Soviet occupation came to an end on May 4, 1990 as the parliament of Latvia restored independence. This motion began a democratic transitional period until a full restoration of the constitution. The transition was finalized in 1993 with the parliament – Saeima – elections according to the constitutional order, where already the citizens of Latvia took part." ~ Latvian Institute, latvia.eu/history/may-4-1990
All images below:
© Latvian Institute 2015, Photo © Boriss Koļesņikovs, Uldis Briedis.
Image title: "At the Saeima building, 1990" by Boriss Koļesņikovs
"First and the only multiparty election in the Soviet Union in 1990 propelled the pro-independence Popular Front of Latvia to the decision making level. On April 21, 1990, several thousands of all-level local municipality deputies from every community of Latvia gathered in Rīga. A majority of over eight thousand deputies mandated the Supreme Council, elected on March 18, to take up the restoration of independence of Latvia."
Image title: "Embankment meeting. May 4, 1990" by Boriss Koļesņikovs
"The Popular Front had 131 seats in the Supreme Council. 132 votes were required to pass the declaration. Following a long deliberation marred by anti-independence deputy filibuster, the Council came to voting on the declaration on May 4. Each vote was called out one by one while the journalists jam-packed the Council building and people filled the yard. Even more followed the live broadcast on their portable radio receivers."
Image title: "Conference, May 4, 1990" by Boriss Koļesņikovs
"138 deputies voted for the restoration of independence. The Declaration “On the Restoration of the Independence of the Republic of Latvia” was enacted."
Image title: "Latvian nation rejoices" by Uldis Briedis
Chairman of the Supreme Council Anatolijs Gorbunovs was overwhelmed with flowers. Several deputies like Mavriks Vulfsons were carried on the hands of the jubilant crowd."
Image title: "Demolition of the Lenin monument in Jurmala" by Boriss Koļesņikovs
"Latvia was re-established as the continuation of the original Republic of 1918. Satversme – the constitution – of 1922 was only partially put into effect, to be completely restored in 1993. However, the Supreme Council and the Council of Ministers or the government created legislation and administrative bases for relevant state structures and institutions in all sectors like the judiciary, security, military, financial etc. The government was formed by Ivars Godmanis on May 7."
"People of Latvia still had to fend off serious military resistance to independence by setting up barricades in Old Rīga in January 1991, after violent Soviet attacks in Vilnius. The last attempt to reanimate the Soviet Union failed during the coup d’état in Moscow in August 1991. Latvian Parliament was the first to denounce it as illegal."
Image title: "National unity" by Uldis Briedis
"On August 21, 1991, following Lithuania and Estonia, Latvia adopted The Constitutional Law on Full Independence thus de facto re-establishing sovereignty. International recognition followed. As a result, the Republic of Latvia, established in 1918, regained its independence and returned to the global community of free nations."
Grand Jury, Day 2: Historical Background
Alex Thomson, former officer of Britain’s Signal Intelligence Agency, GCHQ, the partner agency to NSA has just completed his statement.
Matthew Ehret, Senior Fellow of American University in Moscow, Editor-in-chief of Canadian Patriot dot org and BRI Expert of Tactical Talk dot net then makes his own short statement.
Pay attention to what Ehret says about traps patriots/freedom lovers may easily fall into, traps laid via propaganda.
No lockdowns.
Facemasks not required.
Vaccines not required.
2 metre space between people suggested.
Tragic deaths and patients ill with COVID-19 are in low numbers.
Here is the updated information from the Danish government:
When did Denmark back down from draconian law enforcement?
Why exactly did the Danes reject the proposed law?
Ended a debate between Senators Daniel Webster of Massachusetts and Robert Hayne of South Carolina.
Daniel Webster won the day, but with hindsight, modern citizens may side with Hayne.
Hayne re-enforced the idea of a confederation while Webster defended the idea of a federation.
In a confederacy the people may overcome tyrants quicker than in a federation, for in THAT condition, do the words of the Unites States constitution have TEETH. #AntiFederalistPaper9 http://resources.utulsa.edu/law/classes/rice/Constitutional/AntiFederalist/09.htm "We [the Aristocratic party of the United States,] do not much like that sturdy privilege of the people -- the right to demand the writ of habeas corpus. We have therefore reserved the power of refusing it in cases of rebellion, and you know we are the judges of what is rebellion...."
Robert Y. Hayne
Unknown author, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
Daniel Webster
Unknown photographer, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons